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Pflanz Mendrala Funeral Homes

Portage and Poynette

Locally owned and operated since 1853


General Price List

The goods and services listed on this page are those we can provide to our customers.
You may choose any the items you desire.

However, any funeral arrangements you select will include a charge for our basic services and overhead.

Our Facilities

430 W. Wisconsin Street, Portage, WI 53901
608 742-2126

426 E. Washington Street, Poynette, WI 53955
608 635-2763

There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the mark of weakness but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.
-Washington Irving

Grief Support »

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Two locations to better serve your needs:
430 W. Wisconsin St. Portage, WI 53901
608 742-2126

426 E. Washington Street, Poynette, WI 53955
608 635-2763
